Tuesday 21 January 2014

Illustration of Sophia (sophiameola.blogspot.co.uk)

Hello World,

So a few of you may know of the blog sophiameola.blogspot.co.uk :)
My lovely cousin runs that blog and so I thought it would be cool to create an illustration of her in honor of her blogging duties.
Knowing Sophia, she loves her designer gear and so I thought it was only fitting to incorporate these little remnants of her personality into the background. Also that she is girly and fun and so I felt a lot of pink was necessary for this piece.
I'm hoping she, as well as you guys out there, like this piece as much as I do.

Thanks & Love

PS Brush Credits:

Illustration of My Sister (pt2)

 Hey everybody,

So I took some to illustrate my other lovely sister Rossana. I incorporated all bright colours and things that she loves-like diamonds ;)
Taking inspiration from tattoo scripts, I drew out her name. I like how this adds some quirk to the piece, it's almost like pretty meets badass.

Hope you like the work so far, will be uploading more very soon :D
May even try to get some fan art posted on here too.

Thanks & Love

Friday 17 January 2014

Illustration of My Sister (pt1)

Happy Sunday Everyone,
So I thought I'd start uploading some illustrations a bit at a time. The first being of my beaut younger sister, Paola :)

My sister is such a mixture of fun things, that I felt a really bright and colourful background would do real justice to her. Also the fact that she is an 'Ultimate Fangirl'- I had to include that little title to the illustration too. 

Hope you like,
Thanks & Love

Thursday 16 January 2014


Hey Everyone,
My name is Carmela (call me Ella) and this is my illustration blog.
After being advised by my friends and family to get one going, I'm finally doing it.
It's my chance to showcase some of my artwork as well as promote my illustrations to fellow bloggers.

I will eventually be offering commissioned illustrations to be used on blogs and what not, I just have to find some time in between uni and deadlines to get this blog on the go.
Hopefully you guys will like my work and I will hear some feedback and requests from you all soon.

Thanks & Love